Friday, 29 July 2011

Day Five: A trip to the Beach a la Russe :)

Thursday was a day where we swore we will not be looking at churches, monasteries or forts. So we went for a walk around the city.
For some reason russians make abbreviations for some names of things. Well I wouldn't call this abreviations... its more like they are making one word out of three by compressing the three words together. I have been told this was common back in the USSR days, but I (and Dad especially) didn't know this happens now too.

The blue sign says : Pskovski Gormolzavod. Pskovski means Pskov's. GorMolZavod iz made out of three words: Gorodskoi (the city's) Molochni (milk) Zavod (factory). Dad had trouble to come up with words that start with Gor and Mol :) Unless you know what it is, I guess the possibilities are endless....
This is a movie theater that is called Pobeda - Victory (WIN!). It is far from looking like the Scotia Bank downtown theater... (I guess that is a FAIL)
While walking around downtown we decided to stop at a cafe for ice cream, coffee and to use their bathroom (I do not like bathrooms near churches or more public places, as you saw, the conditions can be a bit rough :P ). Funny story, I could not find the bathroom's light switch. And then it appeared to be on the outside wall. I flicked it, but no light came on in the bathroom. Then a waitress told me that the light is kinda low, thats why I cant see it. So I went inside the dark bathroom and as soon as I closed the door and my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw that there was a little light emanating from the neons. So I tried locking the door. I could not find the lock. The lock wouldn't turn and there was no other lock. So I quickly did my business praying no one will come in and stood near the door while putting my pants back on. When I went to wash my hands I was balancing on one leg and had the other foot pushing the door closed in case someone came in. And as I exited and opened the door, the light from outside illuminated the bathroom and I saw a working lock for the door a few inches from where I was looking for it in the beggining.....

Mmmmm ice cream with honey and nuts. Its so goooood!
It was really hot outside and the kitty had his tongue out more than usual. This cat lives in the yard along with six others. And usually his tongue is out by about a quarter inch. But today he was lying down next to the door that leads to the house and had his tongue almost completely out! Poor kitty...
We decided to go to the beach. The beach is a little different from the beaches you find in Montreal.

People park the cars right next to the beach. And then put their blankets and beach towels right next to the cars. They then turn on some music and lie down and tan, punctuating their tanning sessions with trips to the water. Notice the man's lovely choice of beach attire. In Russia they do not wear long shorts as a bathing suit. Its Speedos and tight shorts. I guess thats the fashion here....

There were cows at the beach!!!
The BBQ a la Russe consists of twotwo scissor-like thinggys and two other metal rods. You dig a hole in the sand, put your charcoal in, put the thing on top of it and light the thing up.

Then you add a man with a shovel and another with a knife :)

Add meat and the man's daughter and you got yourself a BBQ!
The meat was delicioso btw!

And this was the view from our space :)
A terrific day!

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