Saturday, 30 July 2011

Day six: Trip to Pskov's museum a.k.a. Pogankina Palata

This morning, Friday, the weather kinda sucked so we decided that its the perfect day to go to the Pskov's museum and walk around the city a bit.

First we got to Lenin's square (I actually AM in the first picture! You can spot me by my green shorts!). His statue is right in front of the Pedagogical Institute of Pskov. Its a school for teachers :P

Then we got to a park with Princess Olga's statue (for those who didn't read my other blog posts or for those who didn't read them carefully, Olga was a princess that was later on declared a Saint. She is originally from Pskov, even though she was called Olga of Kiev.)

This is the Detski Sad - Kid's park. Here is like a small fair. It is permanently there and most of these rides haven't been changed since the soviet times. My dad said he used to come here.... Thats like...40 years ago!

This is a ship. It is supposed to turn.

A little train

Flyyyy awaaaaay

This is a sleigh with raindeers... It has nothing to do with Santa. The concept has nothing to do with anything from the west. Apparently raindeers are actually used to pull sleighs...

This is a theater. Outside :)

We got to the museum. Facing it are some old houses that have been abandonned since the soviet times.

This is the Dom Remiosel - House of professions. It looks old but is probably still used cause it looks good compared to the houses around it.

This graffiti is another one I found that is a bit racist : It says Rus' dlia russkikh - Russia for Russians!

The building that is now the Pskov's museum has a pretty morbid story. It had mines in it and it is said that when Leutenant Korneev with his team finished getting rid of the mines in july-august 1944, they wrote these words (they mean The house is unmined, l-t Korneev) with blood.

We got into the museum and they made us put on these little bags on our feet. So hawt :P

Dad pretending to be in a meeting during the Soviet times..... Obviously it bores him to death!

We had to get a permit to take pictures! Ridiculous! (oh and it was 100 roubles (about 4$) )

An old bell.

In russian this is called Evangelie (I guess its the equivalent of a Bible)

This is something russian women wore.. The part on the top goes on the head. The bottom - around the neck. Its like jewelry. Its called kokoshnik.

Peekaboo! The corridors were antique style :)

Dad is a champion at soccer with canonballs

I wanted to steal one of the spears (or are they haleberds?)

The bells were LOUD! (the loudness of the silence in the museum was deafening)

The bullet had a convenient hole for ashing (again, this is a joke so stop being horrified :P )

This is an ancient bed

This is an ancient baby's bed. They hung from the ceiling before!

This is a bowl and spoon to feed cattle (the spoon doesnt look like it but its about three feet long!!!)

These are the lastest fashion trends of the 15th century! Im so totally buying this!

A russian classic : embroided towels

This is a lantern. The piece of wood is lit and it created light in the house.

Russian classic table. The gigantic metal thing is called samovar. Its kinda like a tea kettle, it makes tea.

Behind the museum we found a shitload of old USSR stuff that was obviously considered garbage.

This tractor is actually from England and a Ford patent :)

A soviet sign that says Patriotic War.

My kiss to Karl Marx

A cafe that is called Happy Sausages :) Is your sausage happy?

The Planetarium. It used to be a church but the Soviets made it into a Planetarium.

These are the tickets for the ferris wheel

The ferris wheel
The view from the ferris wheel.

Meat store. Meat Products "Bison"  No comments

Crazy cold !

The city of Pskov is a hero city. Lenin thanked it for helping during the war.


  1. "This is something russian women wore.. The part on the top goes on the head. The bottom - around the neck. Its like jewelry. Its called kokoshnik."

    это не кокошник. Это вообще не одежда. Это церковное украшение для иконы. Называется "обклад"

    1. Spasibo
      Papa skazal kokoshnik, no vygljadelo tjazhelym dlja golovnogo ubora.
      Obklad, tak obklad
